WARNING: Boring post alert. Please ignore. I finally upgraded from WordPress 2.7 to 3.01 (thanks, Jesse!), and my site stopped working. Fortunately, the solution was pretty simple, and best explained over at Berkhamsted, which I found through a simple Google search. And that’s great, because I was seriously considering moving my web hosting from 1and1 to HostGator, DreamHost, BlueHost, or something similar. 1and1. is dirt cheap. Domains are $10, and that includes private domain registration. The same package will usually cost between $15 and $25 at other hosting companies. However, others seem to be much better at hosting WordPress-powered sites. For now, anyway, I’ll be sticking to the Walmart of webhosting. I am very, very relieved. Now back to music stuff…]]>
WordPress Upgrade + 1and1 Hosting = Pain
2 responses to “WordPress Upgrade + 1and1 Hosting = Pain”
Thats a cool little tidbit of info. Thanks.:)
Absolutely, I hope it helps in some way, WarDogUnderground. 🙂
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