Youtube is the second largest search engine in the United States? Did you also know that 80% of searches in Youtube are music-related?
A ton of your potential fans consume music and video concurrently. If your content focus is on digital downloads and albums only, you’re missing a huge opportunity to reach your fans in a unique (most bands don’t do this yet) and relevant (if your fans like video, you should be creating video) way.
Here’s a slice of an online music info graph from Grovo (a site that “teaches people how to use the internet”…one of the more lame and uninspired taglines I’ve seen in a while) that shares some evidence along these lines:
Be sure to ask yourself: Am I creating the right content that’s reaching the right fans at the touch points most relevant to them? If the answers is “yes”, please share what you’re doing below! If the answer is ‘no’, spend some serious time with your bandmates brainstorming some ways you can.]]>
Why All Bands MUST Have a Video Strategy
5 responses to “Why All Bands MUST Have a Video Strategy”
This post is great and relevant to my situation. I have been rapping for almost seven years and my primary focus was on downloads. The technological boom has caused our society to be visually driven. I always undervalued the importance of visual media and how it attracts more listeners and creates a relationship. Today, I am aware of the importance of having a video strategy.
Thank you,
Patrick: That's great, you've already made a huge step forward beyond where most artists dare to tread. Best of luck! (And let us know if there anything in particular we should check out.)
[…] This article tells us two core things that ought to inspire you to be an avid YouTube creator! […]
I love how video works out. My bro creates music videos and some of his videos got many views within a short period of time. It's insanely easy to create a video and upload. Even a smartphone can do that. Internet speed is faster so uploading is not a problem, but still one thing that makes people step back is the lack of confidence and thinking that the video is a crappy one.
I encourage my friends and clients to use videos as it can do wonders. Just like Mr. Patrick above, you can create a video blog of himself on maintaining your tools or how to mix new songs etc. You have endless creativity, just look around 🙂
Greetings Garage Spin:
Glad you found the infographic useful. We found the information very telling about the digital music revolution's impact for both artists and record labels as well as listeners and how people consume music today.
Our bread and butter at Grovo is video content–the age old combination of the moving image and audio are a very effective vehicle for content digestion.
I'm a writer and find this day and age wildly fruitful for self-publishing on the Internet. And the same bodes for publishing music and video content I think. We've got a bunch of lessons on using YouTube if you want to check them out: They're all free to watch after creating a log in.
For music publishing, Soundcloud's a terrific platform:
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