Independent musicians and garage bands everywhere are taking advantage of new digital music distribution services available to them. The Orchard (owned by Dimensional Associates, which also owns eMusic) is one company successfully offering global digital music distribution services to the indie market. Its model involves non-exclusive, digital and physical distribution services for a single flat fee per album release. They’ve developed quite a network of partners:
We supply our entire catalog to over 50 legitimate digital music services including iTunes, eMusic, Real Rhapsody, Sony Connect, Napster, MusicNet/AOL, MSN UK, Virgin and HMV. We will be in the launch of every major new digital music service, including Yahoo! Music, Target, and Virgin in the US, as well as iTunes, MusicNet, and Musicmatch in Europe.It’s not a bad way to get your music out to a lot of places in a little time. Pricing depends on your distribution plan: 1. Worldwide Digital Distribution – $45 per release 2. Digital and Physical Global distribution – $99 per release Now, The Orchard is expanding its reach through new aggregator partnerships with Asia Markets Development Limited (AMDL) and Palestine-based New Sound. Check out this article at Arrivenet to read more about their impressive portfolio of partnerships. ]]>
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