Take a Peak — the new WP-Powered GarageSpin

Wordpress-powered GarageSpinI can’t wait to launch the brand new, Web 2.0 saturated, WordPress-powered GarageSpin.com.  I’ve learned more than I ever intended to about RSS feed redirection, wireless router firewalls, PNG image transparency issues with Internet Exlporer 6, javascript naughtiness, and all sorts of other obstacles.  But the new site is looking good, so it’s all worth it.

To the right is a small snapshot taken of the site (originally to illustrate PNG image rendering issues I was facing in IE6), which gives you a feel for the new color scheme.  Basically "brown", apparently.  Woo-hoo.

The new site will be using about 10 -15 plugins already being used in other WP sites I own, plus a bunchthat are new to me, including MyBlogLog, ShareThis, Relish Comments, Sphere, and more.  Hopefully, nothing will expode.

Huge thanks go to Scott, Taylor, Ryan, Eric, and Tara for both moral and technical support.  (Especially on Saturday, when I thought the world was falling.  Long story short, unbeknowest to me, my router’s fire wall suddenly started blocking all access to my web hosting account.  Yeesh.)  Everything is more easily surmountable with friends around.

Oh, and my next song is 98% finished; it’s been on standby until this puppy is finished.  …Actually, I’ve not yet decided whether to launch the site, then the song, or both simultaneously…

What do you think?  Let both loose into the world simultaneously, or do more of a one-two punch?







8 responses to “Take a Peak — the new WP-Powered GarageSpin”

  1. Robin Avatar

    Looking good! I’m making the switch for our website over to WordPress, too. If you ever have any questions, just let me know – I’ve been designing for WordPress for about a year now.

  2. Mike Avatar

    Robin: Thanks for the offer, I’ll be sure to ping you if I find any issues going forward. Much appreciated!

  3. Jenny Avatar

    Love the look of the new site! I think the browns and bit of orange look funky and indie. And neat curved edge on the garagespin logo wall. I am impressed! I don’t know how to do anything but read websites. Hope your firewall issue has been resolved–that would freak me out too!

  4. Jenny Avatar

    Love the look of the new site! I think the browns and bit of orange look funky and indie. And neat curved edge on the garagespin logo wall. I am impressed! I don’t know how to do anything but read websites. Hope your firewall issue has been resolved–that would freak me out too!

  5. Taylor Avatar

    Dude, launch it!

    and think about using disqus or intensedebate to power comments…

  6. GarageSpin Avatar

    Taylor: Ah, right, Discus…I did check it out…it looked cool, but I was a bit concerned about page load time, etc. I’ll definitely have another look.

    IntenseDebate, however, I still need to check out…

    Jenny: Thanks for the kind comments!

  7. Jay Avatar

    Hit us with the site and the song at the same time. We can take it!

  8. GarageSpin Avatar

    Jay: Thanks, Jay. Due to “technical difficulties”, I’ll have to try one at a time. 🙂 The redesign and platform switch is proving to be more difficult than I thought…

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