So, you can download 25 indie tracks (or rap, classical, blues, whatever) from eMusic right now for free. They’re doing a 14-day free trial
that lets you keep the music you download, whether you subscribe or not, with no obligation, and no DRM. Nice. You can check out the offer here
I recently browsed and I picked out a bunch tracks by indie and alternative bands:
Alkaline Trio
Arcade Fire
Badly Drawn Boy
Belle and Sebastian
Ben Kweller
Bloc Party
Brand New
Dashboard Confessional
Elliott Smith
Jens Lekman
Modest Mouse
Of Montreal
Plain White T’s
Sufjan Stevens
The Decemberists
The Mountain Goats
The New Pornographers
The Pixies
The White Stripes
Thom Yorke
Yo La Tengo
Some of these are more mainstream indie than others, but whatever — I’m not ashamed. 🙂 If you do the trial and download some tracks from e music, share your picks with the rest of us in the comments below — it’s fun to know what everyone else is listening to..!
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