SingShot is an online karaoke platform that lets you record and share karaoke performances. But what’s really cool is the ability to generate a widget you can insert into any website that will play your performance. How’s that for some funky Web 2.0 shizzy? I’d try one out here, if I weren’t sitting in a cubicle at work right now…or maybe I’ll do one later… We’ll see.
SingShot launched in late July, only three weeks later was named one of the "Top 50 Coolest Websites of 2006" by Time Magazine. Not too shabby. (via)
Update: I just realized, recording and performance storage is free for a 2-week trial only. After that you have to pay a subscription fee of $4.95/month (if you subscribe for a year; $9.95 if you pay monthly). So, unlike YouTube or Flickr, it’s not free.
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