Peter Rojas, founder of Engadget, Joystiq, and Gizmodo, launched a new biz called…er…RCRD LBL. (Vowels? We don’t need no stinkin’ vowels..!) Imagine a cross between the mp3 blog Large Hearted Boy and editorially-leaning publication Pitchfork, then remove the unbiased commentary, add band blogs and listener profile pages, close label relationships, 100% free downloads, widgets, and a compensation system that shares advertising royalties with bands, and you have RCRD LBL. Sort of. You get the idea.
So yes. Read about new bands, download their music, and hooray, bands actually get a cut of ad royalties. It’s almost like a SELECTIVE music site…not every band can join, but anyone can listen for free. Worth checking out. (Thanks, Taylor!)
WSJ wrote all about RCRD LBL as well (it must be nice having an Engadget founder backing you), within the frame of an ailing music industry looking for new ways to monetize music, etc etc.
HEY BANDS — Note this questoin in the FAQ section:
Do you accept demo tapes/MP3s from signed and unsigned bands?
Yes, if you’d like to submit a LINK (please do not send full MP3s) to your music, you can send it to aandr [at] rcrdlbl [dot] com. If we dig what we hear, we’ll be sure to drop you a line.
I would strongly recommend you submit your music now, while the site is still new, before it gets swamped with submissions from thousands of other bands. Cheers.
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