Well, we’re back from our trip to Las Vegas. A few random, points of note/discovery/highlight:
- We met "Miss Jay Alexander", the cross-dressing, male runway coach that teaches new models how to walk all sexy-like on the show America’s Next Top Model, while they were shooting at Caesar’s Palace for the next season.
- The highlight of the trip was a helicopter ride into a Grand Canyon chasm. If you get the chance to do it, please consider — you won’t regret it.
- I won $85 playing roulette for the first time using the "double-my-bet-when-I-lose" strategy. Probably not smart, but better than the "bet-on-my-children’s-birthdays" approach the couple next to me used.
- The Hoover Dam is really, really big. And built in the 1930s…wow.
- Picked up a few cool chatchkes at the DMA conference, but missed the coolest item: a race car mouse.
- If you thought Michael Phelps was cool to watch during the Olympics, you’d love the Cirque du Soleil "O" show.
- Timing vacations with company-paid trips is a great way to save on flight/hotel costs.
Alrighty, back to work. And perhaps even music.
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