This is kind of interesting. is starting up a new business involving the trading of used CDs. Basically, you send in an old CD using their ‘starter kit’ along with $1 (plus $0.49 for shipping), and select the used CD(s) you’d like to receive. No subscription or membership fees are involved. And interestingly, 20% of all revenue generated by each CD trade goes directly to the respective artist(s). Operationally, that’s a huge undertaking, but I like the idea.
Lala requires customers to agree to delete any music ripped from a CD before trading it…it may not be enforcable, but it’s the legally correct move. is currently in beta…a friend of mine signed up and received an ‘invite’ to join the same day. If you’re looking to get rid of that Ashley Simpson album you bought last year, here’s your chance.
(Thanks, Taylor)
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