Justin Frankel, creator of Winamp, innovates again. He announced a new project, Ninjam, that allows multiple musicians to jam online with actual audio (not MIDI). Pretty friggin’ cool. Geographic constraints are no more. Sorta.
“Streaming audio…wouldn’t that create huge latency issues..” you ask? Justin explains:
Because latency is so important in playing music, existing voice conferencing over IP really wouldn’t work. So instead, we decided to just make latency bigger, not smaller. Latency in Ninjam is measured in measures, and that’s what makes it interesting. When you play, you’re playing along with the previous intervals of everybody else, and they’re playing along with your previous intervals.Excuse me? I’m sure it’s crystal clear once you try it. In any case, Ninjam is a very cool application that could probably allow all sorts of audio feeds. Imagine an entire album recorded in realtime from a variety of home recording studios across the globe… (thanks to Brad for pointing out the announcement) ]]>
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