Google Loves GarageSpin a Little Less…

I am so very sad.  As of last week, dropped down in PageRank (Google’s organic relevance ranking for websites) from "5" to "4", on a scale of 1 to 10.  While a PageRank change does not have much impact on search engine traffic a website receives, it does give an idea of how ‘important’ or ‘popular’ your blog is relative to the rest of the webiverse, according to Google’s search engine algorithm.

Apparently, when you write less than once a week for an extended period of time, Google isn’t impressed.

Remember when GarageSpin had a PageRank of "6"?  Ah, the memories…  Is anyone else experiencing PageRank drops or boosts?  On a positive note, I have a good feeling about 2009.  😉







4 responses to “Google Loves GarageSpin a Little Less…”

  1. Taylor Avatar

    why wait for 2009? start now!

  2. Tara Avatar

    Taylor is right! If you know what Google does and doesn’t like, then show the Gster and get your rank back up by posting more. We’d love to hear your musings!

  3. David Hooper Avatar

    I think you’re right in that it has a lot to do with how often you update.

    Links from other high-PR sites also help… has some tools, which you mind find helpful.

  4. SEO Sheffield Avatar

    Is there any way that you can put the orientation up on google maps mobile, instead of north up?

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