Added Music to – Need Your Help

GarageSpin on Amie StreetI recently uploaded my songs “Spinning Daydream” and “20/20 Foresight” to, a site that prices tracks based on demand. What does that mean?  Well, because my songs are new on the site, they start out free.  As more music fans download the song, the songs’ prices will begin to incrementally increase.  (I actually wrote about Amie Street two years ago…it’s a pretty cool site, with some great music that I’ve discovered over the last couple years while poking around.) So, if you have yet to download a copy of either song above, head over to my Amie Street page fast to pick up copies before their prices sky rocket.  🙂  Actually, even if you DO have a copy of both songs, please download them…I’d love to see their prices go up from $0.00 to $0.05.  ;)]]>







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