Free Guitar Contest O Rama and Mayhem

Guitar Contests galloreHoly smokes — look at all these free guitar give-aways.  Do ya feel lucky, punk?

While I love my 2nd hand Epiphone Les Paul Standard, some of these made me drool a bit, and I’m not normally a gear geek.  Most of the entry deadlines are in October.  If you win a new axe, think well of me.  (Thanks to Eric at EKA Hosting for the tip!):

Happy winnings! ]]>






31 responses to “Free Guitar Contest O Rama and Mayhem”

  1. Patsy Rogers Avatar
    Patsy Rogers

    i would love to win it for my grandson.

  2. Patsy Rogers Avatar
    Patsy Rogers

    i would love to win it for my grandson.

  3. Alex Avatar

    is this the comp or just a comment?

  4. Alex Avatar

    ive been playing guitar for about 2 years now and i have a rely bad and cheap acoustic guitar,but i got an electric about 1 year ago,but its all bad sounding and doesnt stay in tune!!!
    i would rely like to win this guitar because irely want to play a guitar that …………
    well works.

    Thanks4leting me enter

  5. Rina Marlini Avatar
    Rina Marlini

    I love guitar since I was in Primary 1.I watch a show and the person played very well.I would like to buy guitar but it cost me.
    I would apprecite if you let me win this “Free Guitar Contest”

  6. Clayton Avatar

    Man oh man the odds are tight..but if i won i would be happy thats for sure although i have a Epiphone gibson special model it need rewiring :S
    i also have a peavey raptor but its not the best 🙁 did i mention i play upside down and backwards with strings like a normal right handed player but im a lefty who grew up to play upside down and backwards..Now thats talent.

  7. chase newingham Avatar
    chase newingham

    i would like to win this guitar because all i have is an old Arbor that has a broken string and the wireing needs redone.

  8. pentorasus Avatar

    id like to win that awesome guitar but the contest is only available for american residents only,,,, how about for us asian tribe………… kip on rokin

  9. corey Avatar

    well i dont rely have much money and cant afford any new guitar and the one i have is just well its crap help me i really really need a new guitar …….thank you

  10. Richard Bilung Avatar
    Richard Bilung

    i gotta win this guitar.My life is getting boring & all i need is this guitar.

  11. kyle Avatar

    sweet guitar

  12. Cj McGrath Avatar
    Cj McGrath

    Man this guitar is freaking awesome i love them and i only have one guitar and some little kids broke it and i loved it some much and all i want is to play again. i actually wanna do my own recordings but i have very little money and i am like 15 years of age… but all i want is to play the guitar. let me win it plz

  13. James Bair Avatar
    James Bair

    I'd love to win a electric guitar. It has been my dream to rock, and right now I'm learning, but an acoustic just doesn't cut. I want to jam. Winning would be great!

  14. Leonard Joseph Avatar
    Leonard Joseph

    There one reason I would want to win this guitar and is because I know it can rock. Plus, I love to rock on a guitar like this one that love to rock too!

    So, me win I will rock you.

  15. jordan Avatar

    i need this guitar becuase will rock with it

  16. jordan Avatar

    i have always want to git a electric guitar i have always dream to rock and roll and this guitar is the one that will make my dream come true

  17. lil_g Avatar

    i want to win this guitar becuase always wanted to be a rock and roll star and this guitar will help me get there

  18. marc spencer Avatar
    marc spencer

    i dont have the money to buy my own

  19. Andrew Avatar

    I would really like to win this guitar because I don’t have the money to bye a good guitar.

  20. Rabia Avatar

    I really love musical instruments esp Guitar..!
    I want to get one and learn how to play it!
    but my mom doesn't let me buy it!
    I badly need one..even if its an accoustic guitar!
    playing guitar is my dream!
    i hope it comes true =(

  21. theodore roach Avatar
    theodore roach

    sure would be nice to have a easy to play the ones i own are hard to play for sore fingers. but we still love to play any way.

  22. jesse morrisn Avatar
    jesse morrisn

    Check me out on facebook…i have other original material…thx

  23. abe Avatar

    my name is abe my parets cant get me a guitar only lessons so i want a guitar to learn how to play thank you

  24. rahul Avatar

    i love guitars and can do anythung for it………….

  25. joel vela Avatar
    joel vela

    I hav a cheap ass guitar me and my friends wanna start a band this guitar would really help me…

  26. chris burt Avatar
    chris burt

    ive been playing for about 3 years and ive learned about 4 of your songs but my guitar is crap its a first act and the nut broke the bridge is wack and my dream guitar is a flying v. tomorrow is my 16th birth day thats july 19th and it would be the best present ever .im a heavy metal freak please dave……..

  27. elizabeth Avatar

    i would like to win this guitar because i never had a electric guitar and i would like to have one so bad

  28. Sagar Avatar

    I want this guitar i have no guitar my all friends have guitar but i haven’t i have not enough money to purchase a guitar iam from india varanasi..

  29. patricia Avatar

    Hi Guyz,
    Guitar contest is on, check out this link and participate if you like : -

  30. I-Ben Avatar

    i play guitars, i only borrow in our neighbor an halo guitar, i usually rent sometimes and it cost me so much, i work for it only to hold an electric guitar,.. i like to have band too but sad to say i don't have any guitar.. my dream is to have one and play it like a rock star someday :')

  31. Dave Mason Avatar
    Dave Mason

    I've never won anything in my life. .. and it's nearly half way over. ( lol )

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