I made some progress with song #2 this weekend, "Avalanche" (previously named "Take A Stand") after re-writing the chorus lyrics, and re-formating the verse melodies to give them a little more swing…something new for me. (The cello parts are still giving me trouble…)
I was going to try recording them all tonight, but immediately realized that would not be possible… We recently moved to a new apartment, and my "recording space" (i.e. part of a large living room/dining room space) now has a set of huge, glass sliding doors that open into a deck overlooking a backyard. The deck is great, but the crickets are craaazy loud. Normally, I love the sound, but it looks I’ll have to wait until Fall or Winter to record anything after 8:00 PM.
Maybe I can use them to my advantage…like adding cricket chirps to the beginning of a track..?
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